Bett Houston on Archeology in Israel

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Returned by popular demand of our members, ladies, and guests

We were very pleased to welcome twenty-six members, ladies, and guests to our regular August meeting meeting at the Paradise Restaurant in Sequim. Traffic due to the Hood Canal Bridge construction delayed our guest speaker and deterred several of our members from Kitsap and Lewis Counties from attending. We carried on.
Br. Fred Johnson presents the Marvin Shields Camp Commanders Award for Excellence to Br. Ed Marion in recognition of his efforts to further Americanism and Patriotism. Our guest speaker, Bett Houston returns by popular demand following following her June 2003 presentation. This time her topic is archeology in Israel and the surrounding areas.
Bett provided copies of maps for us to understand the areas she was referring to and we were thankful for her foresight. Here Mike and Cora Lee follow along. As Bet was involved in several archeological digs, along with her husband Harry, we were delighted to hear several comparisons of their experiences in the area.
No presentation of Bett's  goes without a plethora of questions from her audience and here she fields a few. I is always a delight to have her as a speaker and so nice of her to respond to questions. Our president, John Jones, was pleased to present Bett with a Certificate of Appreciation for her enlightening us once again on her experiences in the Middle East.
Br. Clarence Johnson assisted in bringing our evening to a close with a beautiful delivery of Old Glory Speaks. We now have three full teams. Hooray! We were pleased to get together once again but missed several of our members who were unable to attend. As we ventured out into the building weather, we keep in mind the pleasant experience.